
94 Titles

University of Groningen Press offers a book publication service for staff working at or with the University of Groningen. Books are published open access, usually as a PDF and if requested as an EPUB. However, it is also possible to make books available in print and via printing on demand.

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Historia Agriculturae 33

Belvedere en de geschiedenis van de groene ruimte

Michiel Gerding
March 13, 2020
Historia Agriculturae 32

Herman Derk Louwes (1893-1960): Burgemeester van de Nederlandse landbouw

H.M.L. Geurts
March 13, 2020
Historia Agriculturae 30

De actualiteit van de agrarische geschiedenis

Pim Kooij, Jan Bieleman , Rolf van der Woude , Erwin Karel, Michiel Gerding
March 13, 2020
Historia Agriculturae 42

Town and countryside in a Dutch perspective

Pim Kooij
February 17, 2020
Cover Cultuur2

Cultuur² Cultuuronderwijs in het VO

Barend van Heusden, Astrid Rass, Jeroen Tans
January 13, 2020
University College Groningen 1

Writing to Waste Ink

Roos Walstock, Marius Merz, Jack Dignam
April 3, 2019
51-94 of 94