
102 Titles

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All Books

Cover Liber amicorum Gerrit Voerman

Een wandelend repertorium voor politieke partijen: Gerrit Voerman bij het DNPP (1985-2024)

Yvonne de Geus, Léonie de Jonge, Ulco Kooystra, Paul Lucardie
October 24, 2024
Cover The multiple lives of Jacob Israel de Haan
Volume 4

The Multiple lives of Jacob Israël de Haan: The Palestine years (1919-1924)

Karène Sanchez Summerer, Lucia Admiraal; Karstian Oudman
October 7, 2024
Cover Revisiting Palestine Illustrated
Volume 3

Revisiting Palestine Illustrated: 100 Years after Frank Scholten’s visit to the ‘Holy Land’

Karène Sanchez Summerer; Rayane Chraïti, Danique de Groot, Folmer Veeman
September 16, 2024
Cover Reconstructing Mosul
Volume 2

Reconstructing Mosul: Occupation, destruction and rebuilding

Kiki Santing, Courtney Bonneau, Stella Martany
September 16, 2024
Cover Arts in Health

Arts in Health in the Netherlands: A national agenda

Ferdinand Lewis, Kirsten Krans
February 16, 2024
Cover Strange Bedfellows
University College Groningen 5

Strange Bedfellows: An experiment in Student-directed Interdisciplinary Research

Naomi de Ruiter, Ryan Wittingslow, Roland Chiu
January 15, 2024
Cover Meta Science

Meta-Science: Towards a Science of Meaning and Complex Solutions

Andrej Zwitter , Takuo Dome; Yasuo Deguchi, Michael Hoelzl, Michihiro Kita, Johanna M. Grad, Indira S.E. van der Zande , Brendan F.D. Barrett, Jacques Buith, Michael Mulqueen, Clíona Saidléar, Chihiro Takayama
November 16, 2023
Cover Life and Legacy
Volume 1

Life & Legacy: A Window into Jewish Life Across the Islamic World

Sasha Goldstein-Sabbah; Lucía Farias García, Maxime Heijman, William Whitcombe, Michel Gordon
October 30, 2023
Cover of the book Heyman's Cube

Heymans’ Cube

Rinske R. Vermeij, Corné H.F.L. Vroomen
October 24, 2023
Cover Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities, Corpus and Language Technology / Humanidades Digitales, Corpus y Tecnología del Lenguaje : A look from diverse case studies / Una mirada desde diversos casos de estudio

Andrés Grajales Ramírez, Jorge Molina Mejía, Pablo Valdivia Martin; Santiago Alejandro Ortiz Hernández, Jaime Peña Arce, Ernesto Llerena García, Antonio Reyes Pérez, Iván López Martín, Kateřina Pugachova, Carolina Julià Luna, María Ángeles García Aranda, Benjamín López Hidalgo, Pedro Eduardo Hernández Fuentes, Cristina Tur, Jitka Veroňková, Camila Barros, Eveling Garzón Fontalvo, Irene Renau, Karen Lorena Baquero Castro, Alberto Pardal Padín, John Roberto, M. Amparo Soler Bonafont, Heliana Mello, Berta González Saavedra, Rogelio Nazar, María Victoria Pardo Rodríguez, Guillermo Salas Jiménez, Brian Davis, Manuel Caro Piñeres, H Antonio García Zúñiga, José Ignacio Hidalgo González, José Luis Pemberty Tamayo, Antonio Jesús Tamayo Herrera
September 10, 2023
Cover of Ethnographic Causality

Ethnographic Causality

Peter Abell, Ofer Engel
March 8, 2023
Cover Differentiated Instruction in Teaching from the International Perspective

Differentiated Instruction in Teaching from the International Perspective: Methodological and empirical insights

Ridwan Maulana, Michelle Helms-Lorenz , Peter Moorer, Annemieke Smale-Jacobse, Xiangyuan Feng
March 1, 2023
Cover Verzet en vrijheid

Verzet en vrijheid: Het Gronings Ontzet van 1672 en de Universiteit

Arjen Dijkstra, Joop W. Koopmans; Judith Brouwer, Benjamin van der Linde
December 13, 2022
Cover of A force of Energy

A Force of Energy: Essays in Energy Law in Honour of Professor Martha Roggenkamp

Ruven Fleming; Adrien de Hauteclocque, Piet Jan Slot, Liv Malin Andreasson, Lisa van Nieuwkoop, Catherine Banet, Iman Brinkman, Fokke Elskamp, Per Håkon Høisveen, Ceciel Nieuwenhout, LeRoy C. Paddock, Michelle de Rijke, Herman Bröring, Lea Diestelmeier, Dirk Kuiken, Hanna Tolsma, Gerrit Vriezen, Astrid Brunt, Íñigo del Guayo Castiella; Kars de Graaf, Leigh Hancher, Edwin Woerdman; Romain Mauger, Machiel Mulder, John Paterson, Jan Willem Bitter, Anatole Boute, Marcel Brus, Frans Nelissen, Ana Costov, Suryapratim Roy, Cees Verburg, Jaap Waverijn, Irene Burgers, Silke Goldberg, Helma Kip
October 11, 2022
Cover front
Netherlands Studies in Ritual and Liturgy 25

Worship with Children: Agentive Participation in Dutch Protestant Contexts

Lydia van Leersum-Bekebrede
November 26, 2021
Cover of this book
Netherlands Studies in Ritual and Liturgy 24

Time to Say Goodbye? A Study on Music, Ritual and Death in the Netherlands

Janieke Bruin-Mollenhorst
November 26, 2021
Cover working with LGBTQIA+ youth in the welfare system

Working with LGBTQIA+ youth in the child welfare system: Perspectives from youth and professionals

Mónica López López, Rodrigo González Álvarez, Mijntje ten Brummelaar, Kevin R.O. van Mierlo, Leo Wieldraaijer-Vincent
October 20, 2021
Cover Mulerius
Biografieën van Groningse hoogleraren 4

Nicolaus Mulerius (1564-1630): een geleerde uit Groningen in de discussies van zijn tijd

Djoeke van Netten
February 4, 2021
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