University of Groningen Press offers a book publication service for staff working at or with the University of Groningen. Books are published open access, usually as a PDF and if requested as an EPUB. However, it is also possible to make books available in print and via printing on demand.
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Een wandelend repertorium voor politieke partijen: Gerrit Voerman bij het DNPP (1985-2024)

The Multiple lives of Jacob Israël de Haan: The Palestine years (1919-1924)

Revisiting Palestine Illustrated: 100 Years after Frank Scholten’s visit to the ‘Holy Land’

Strange Bedfellows: An experiment in Student-directed Interdisciplinary Research

Eucharistic Hospitality in Ecumenical Contexts: Learning from Monastic Experiences

Worship with Children: Agentive Participation in Dutch Protestant Contexts

Time to Say Goodbye? A Study on Music, Ritual and Death in the Netherlands

Nicolaus Mulerius (1564-1630): een geleerde uit Groningen in de discussies van zijn tijd

The new normal: Chronicle of the University of Groningen Library in times of the COVID-19 pandemic