Life & Legacy: A Window into Jewish Life Across the Islamic World


Sasha Goldstein-Sabbah, University of Groningen; Lucía Farias García; Maxime Heijman; William Whitcombe; Michel Gordon


Through stunning images, maps and insightful commentary, this book offers a glimpse into the diversity, historical legacy, and rich culture of Jewish communities within the Muslim world. From the growing Jewish community of Dubai to ancient synagogues and shrines, these photographs capture the beauty and complexity of Jewish life around North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. Above all, this photographic book serves as a reminder of the enduring spirit of the Jewish people and the diversity of lived experiences within Islamic societies.
This volume presents thematically organized contemporary images of both Jewish life and Jewish heritage from across the Middle Eastern and North Africa. Interspersed throughout the images are an assortment of short essays written by scholars and University of Groningen students to contextualize the presented images.

In the words of the photographer Michel Gordon:
"all of these pictures are a proclamation of love."

Publisher: University of Groningen Press
Broerstraat 4 9712 CP Groningen

Typesetting & design: LINE UP boek en media bv, Riëtte van Zwol | Editing: Minke Sikkema

Photography: Michel Gordon

The Softcover version of this book (ISBN: 9789403430218) can be ordered via Print on demand directly on the site of our partner  Uitgeverij kleine Uil, and through all regular (internet) bookshops.

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Podcast Sasha Goldstein-Sabbah & Michel Gordon


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Cover Life and Legacy



October 30, 2023

Online ISSN


Print ISSN




Middle East, Jewish life, Historical legacy, Culture, Muslim world, North Africa, Photography

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Publication date (01)
