
  • Revisiting Palestine Illustrated: 100 Years after Frank Scholten’s visit to the ‘Holy Land’

    Revisiting Palestine Illustrated: 100 years after Frank Scholten’s visit to the ‘Holy Land’


    During the turbulent period following the First World War, Dutch photographer Frank Scholten (1881-1942) travelled to Palestine with the aim of producing an ‘illustrated Bible'. He arrived in Palestine in 1921, ultimately staying for two years, documenting Palestine as the British Mandate was formally being established. Contrarily to many other European photographers portraying Orientalist inspirations, Franck Scholten photographed daily life through the various confessional and ethnic communities, social classes, cities and landscapes of Palestine.  


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  • Keuzegids screening & diagnostiek VB: definitie • inventarisatie • praktische toepasbaarheid • wetenschappelijke onderbouwing van begeleidingsmethodieken voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking

    Keuzegids screening & diagnostiek VB


    Om mensen met een verstandelijke beperking passende, persoonsgerichte zorg te kunnen bieden, is het van belang hun mogelijkheden en beperkingen goed in kaart te brengen. Een verstandelijke beperking wordt gekenmerkt door significante beperkingen in intellectueel en adaptief functioneren, ontstaan in de ontwikkelingsperiode. De "Keuzegids screening & diagnostiek VB" biedt een overzicht van Nederlandstalige instrumenten om dit te screenen en diagnosticeren. Het doel van de gids is om gedragskundigen en psychodiagnostische medewerkers te helpen bij het kiezen van het juiste instrument...

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  • Reconstructing Mosul: Occupation, destruction and rebuilding

    Reconstructing Mosul: Occupation, desctruction and rebuilding


    Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, has great historical and cultural significance. After Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi used Mosul’s Al Nuri Mosque to declare the caliphate in 2014, the city was captured and occupied by the Islamic State. After a fierce battle, the city was liberated in 2017, however, large parts of the city, including most of the old city, were completely destroyed. Currently, the city is undergoing reconstruction. This book focuses on that reconstruction by zooming in on the cultural heritage sites, the residential areas and the camps outside of the city where former residents...

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New Releases

Cover The multiple lives of Jacob Israel de Haan
Volume 4

The Multiple lives of Jacob Israël de Haan: The Palestine years (1919-1924)

Karène Sanchez Summerer, Lucia Admiraal; Karstian Oudman
October 7, 2024
Cover Reconstructing Mosul
Volume 2

Reconstructing Mosul: Occupation, destruction and rebuilding

Kiki Santing, Courtney Bonneau, Stella Martany
September 16, 2024
Cover Groningen door Dromersogen

Groningen door dromersogen

Raoul de Jong
May 30, 2024


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