Markets, Monopoly, and Competition


Nowadays, the field of Industrial Organization is one of the most interesting, exciting, and relevant fields in economics. Industrial Organization relaxes the assumption that firms lack market power. What if firms do have an influence on market prices, on products that are being offered, perhaps even on the way a market is organized? What happens to market outcomes if there are market frictions, such as search or switching costs? What happens if consumers are not fully rational? Can firms take advantage of that, or will such attempts backfire in a competitive environment? These are all questions Professor Marco Haan considers in his research.

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Cover photo and photo author: House trained by Mark Strozier /

Published by University of Groningen Press
Broerstraat 4 9712 CP Groningen



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Author Biography

Marco Haan

Prof. dr. Marco Haan has been a professor in Industrial Organization at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen since October 2016. He did an undergraduate in Economics, and an undergraduate in Econometrics at the University of Groningen, and wrote his PhD at Maastricht University. He studies issues of competition between firms, including the role of platforms, behavioral biases, and market frictions such as search and switching costs.

Cover Inaugural lecture Mraco Haan



October 31, 2022


Oratie, Inaugurele Rede, Inaugural Lecture, University of Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde, Marco Haan