Beyond the Map: Descriptions of the non-European World in Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Maior
This book was created as a result of the seminar Voorbij de Kaart: Beschrijvingen van de buiten-Europese wereld in Joan Blaeu’s Grooten Atlas [= Beyond the Map: Descriptions of the non-European World in Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Maior], which was taught at the University of Groningen during the 2023/24 academic year. During the seminar, students critically analysed texts about non-European regions in Blaeu’s renowned Atlas. Based on their findings, they wrote short contributions intended for a broader audience. These student contributions were featured in a digital exhibition, hosted by the Special Collections department of the University of Groningen Library, and have been re-used here in this format as an open textbook.
Publisher: University of Groningen Press
Broerstraat 4 9712 CP Groningen
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