Interdisciplinary Explorations of Neuroscience: An Active-Learning Course Companion


Christopher J. May
University of Groningen


This text is accessible to anyone interested in the brain. It is specifically targeted to students and instructors of undergraduate neuroscience or biopsychology courses. It encourages an active exploration of the intersection of neuroscience with other disciplines through a large number of activities, demonstrations, reflection prompts, and critical thinking questions. The book complements material presented in more conventional neuroscience or biopsychology textbooks, portions of which are linked to throughout this text.

Publisher: University of Groningen Press
Broerstraat 4 9712 CP Groningen

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Author Biography

Christopher J. May, University of Groningen

Associate professor, University College Groningen, Department of Social Science

Cover Interdisciplinary Explorations of Neuroscience


August 17, 2023



Neurosciences, Psychology, Cognitive studies, Interdisciplinary studies