

Andrés Grajales Ramírez
Universidad de Antioquia
Jorge Molina Mejía
Universidad de Antioquia
Pablo Valdivia Martin
University of Groningen


Author Biographies

Andrés Grajales Ramírez, Universidad de Antioquia

Andrés Felipe Grajales Ramírez is a Hispanic philologist from the University of Antioquia (Colombia) and holds a Master's degree in Cinematografía from the University of Córdoba (Spain).
Passionate about language, linguistics and art, he has participated for more than five years in the research incubator group Corpus ex machina, specialized in natural language processing and corpus linguistics. Thus, his research and professional fields are Computational and Corpus Linguistics, Proofreading and the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language. He is also part of the multidisciplinary international academic research network Data Science, Culture & Social Change.

Jorge Molina Mejía, Universidad de Antioquia

Jorge Mauricio Molina Mejía is an associate professor in the area of linguistics at the University of Antioquia, professor of computational linguistics and Spanish as a foreign language, coordinator of the research group Corpus Ex Machina, he is part of the Committee of the Doctorate in Linguistics of the Faculty of Communications and Philology (University of Antioquia). His research fields are Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing and the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language. He has written articles, book chapters and books in these fields of knowledge, particularly the book "Lingüística computacional y de corpus: teorías, métodos y aplicaciones" (Editorial Universidad de Antioquia).

Pablo Valdivia Martin, University of Groningen

Pablo Valdivia Martin is Full Professor and Chair of European Culture and Literature (University of Groningen), Accreditated Full Professor [Catedrático Universidad] of Arts and Humanities (ANECA, Spain), Associate in Applied Physics at Harvard Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (Harvard University), Academic Director of the Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies  (OSL), Scientific Advisor of the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences and  Humanities and the Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (NIAS-KNAW), Coordinator Research Theme Group Data Science, Culture & Social Change at Research Centre for the Study of Democratic Cultures and Politics (DemCP, RUG), Co-Editor of the Routledge Companions to Hispanic and Latin American Studies and Research Fellow ‘Corpus Ex Machina’ Research Group Incubator (UdeA).



September 10, 2023
