Drug Regulatory Science: Collaborate to improve drug development and evaluation


Peter Mol
University of Groningen


In my lecture I will focus on important developments in European drug regulation, such as personalized medicines, real world data, patient centricity and knowledge exchange. The lecture will acknowledge the long standing collaboration between the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board and the department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology. It will also emphasize the need for collaboration between European regulators and other stakeholders to improve drug development and regulation.

Design and layout: LINE UP boek en media bv | Riëtte van Zwol, Mirjam Kroondijk
Cover photo and photo author: Peter Mol

Published by University of Groningen Press
Broerstraat 4
9712 CP Groningen


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Author Biography

Peter Mol, University of Groningen

Peter Mol is professor of drug regulatory science at the University Medical Center Groningen. His research focus is on developing new tools to support regulatory decision-making and the exchange of knowledge between regulatory authorities, health care professionals and lay people. He is currently involved in projects around personalized medicine, new data sources (RWE), patient-centric ways to weigh drug benefit-risk; e.g., using Patient Relevant Outcomes, Quality of Life, and Patient Preference information, and on risk communication; e.g., Direct Healthcare Provider Communication.

He is also a principal assessor at the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board and a member (vice chair 2016-2022) of EMA’s Scientific Advice Working Party. He has coordinated over 250 scientific advice procedures, providing EMA advice on diabetes, cardiovascular, gynaecological and hematology programs. He is chair of the EMA Cross-Committee Task force on Registries

cover page inaugural lecture Peter Mol



January 26, 2023


Inaugural Lecture, Oratie, Inaugurele Rede, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, University of Groningen, Peter Mol, Faculteit Medische Wetenschappen, Faculty of Medical Sciences