Eucharistic Hospitality in Ecumenical Contexts: Learning from Monastic Experiences
This practical theological study explores Eucharistic hospitality in the ecumenical monastic communities of Taizé, (Burgundy, France) and (Piedmont, Italy). Tracing the theology embedded in this practice, it offers empirically grounded insights into the dynamics of the Eucharistic hospitality and provides an innovative view on the sensus fidei on this point. As such, this study presents a relevant addition to the charged debate about this sensitive issue, challenging Roman Catholic theology to learn from the decades-long experience accumulated in the communities.
ISBN printed version: 9789464582437
Cover: Church of Reconciliation, Taizé.
Photo, cover design and lay-out: Fokke Wouda
Publisher: University of Groningen Press,
Broerstraat 4, 9712 CP Groningen
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